Pre Natal Yoga TTC
What is Aayana? Yoga is a way of lifethat puts you in touch with yourself,to learn to listen to your body – andthat’s when real change can start totake place. We should all practice yogato journey inside of ourselves. Thechallenges and triumphs of life off themat, reflects our practice andexperience on the mat. In Sanskrit“ayana” is said to mean “goal,direction” or more specifically
“a good path” in terms of one’s lifejourney. Through yoga – a method ofpersonal transformation – we aim tohelp you to help yourself in yourjourney.
Course fee
INR 35,000 + 18% GST for registrations before 25th
January, 2021
INR 40,000 + 18% GST
for registrations after 25th
January, 2021
Includes: Tuition, Practicals,Certification, Course Material
- Basics of pregnancy
- Benefits of yoga during pregnancy
- Contraindications
2. Anatomy and Physiology
- Changes in the mother in 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimesters
- Changes in the foetus in 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimesters
- How these changes affect yoga practice
3. Modification of asanas throughout pregnancy
- Use of props
- Safety
- Alignment
- Adjustments, Corrections
- Details of practices
- Theoretical basics
5. Yoga Nidra and other relaxation techniques
6. Mudras
7. Post natal yoga