About Us

Yoga studios Founder’s note : Regeesh Vattakandy

prenatal yoga instructor


The world we live in is external rather than introspective. Life is reduced to just actions and no essence. Religion has created more unrest than peace. In such times, even yoga has become merely a set of physical exercises. As practitioners of this ancient wisdom we have a significant role to play in setting this right. Evolution is connectedness, not separation.

It is our responsibility to help people experience that space where we are connected and not separated. Where every individual experiences life in all its glory and beauty. Our About Us page unveils the story of innovation, dedication, and a journey of excellence.

Our Yoga Vision

Self transformation is a journey. It takes place when we become aware of the laws of nature and live a life in harmony with the universe. This is happiness, peace and wisdom. Instilling this knowledge among people is Aayana’s vision and purpose.

yoga sessions

Why Aayana yoga ?

Aayana is Sanskrit for ‘the right path’. In our ancient sciences, the right path brings you closer to your natural self. It is said to be attained when one has perfectly aligned one’s body, breath and mind. In its most original form, yoga has the potential to help you achieve this. Each time you practice yoga you are on the path to physical, mental and spiritual health.

  • Yoga is predominantly a physical practice. Hence, safety and security are major criteria. At Aayana, we have well-experienced trainers who know what is best for the student.
  • No doubt yoga is an ancient science. But at Aayana, yoga is delivered in such a way that it suits the modern lifestyle without losing its essence.
  • The purpose of yoga is growth through harmony. When this happens, one experiences natural flexibility, strength and pace. This is the path Aayana encourages the students to follow.

Our Mission

In the stressful world we live in, the mind is overworked and the body loses its momentum. This disharmony is the root cause of all maladies. How can there be happiness when there exists an imbalance between the body and mind? The human body is like a canvas that expresses different emotions. If you don’t express you lose the richness of life. Each body position conveys different emotions. If you cannot put your body in that position your mind cannot be happy. With this body the happiness you experience is limited.

Yoga addresses these anomalies in the most organic and effective way by:

  • Helping the body regain its natural flexibility
  • Helping the body get back to its original pace
  • Aligning the body, mind and breath
  • Moving towards subtler states of consciousness

At Aayana, it is our endeavor to bring about powerful and tangible changes in your life through yoga.


According to the ancient masters, the individual comprises body, breath and mind. 

when these three elements function harmoniously, he or she is said to be in tune with his/her real nature. He/she is said to be on ‘the right path’. This is Aayana.

But such harmony is rare to come by. Stress, lack of or movement, poor sleep are just some of the factors that wreck havoc in the human system. Through the practice of authentic yoga, Aayana may be achieved. Thus the body is controlled, the breath is regulated and the mind is settled. 

When the system is efficient, the individual is happy and healthy.

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