Chief Yogi
Namaste! When I started doing yoga in 1991, it was for the pursuit of magical powers which I read about from books. But it didn’t go well for long and I abandoned it after 6 months.
The second coming to yoga was for the pursuit of happiness. I was not happy with the way my life was going, only later to realise that I was clinically depressed. The glimpse of happiness from the earlier experience of yoga, combined with my insight drew me to yoga again, but more genuinely and regularly. That was the turning point for a new life to me.

I gradually became happy, life became more beautiful. I experienced the confident, balanced side of my personality. This transformation made me want to take yoga as a profession, to share what I experienced with others.
My search for deeper studies of yoga continued. I stayed one year in Amritanandamayi ashram, where I experienced the bhakti form of yoga and its effects on my personality. I could connect with my emotional side, realised how bhakti yoga can instantly change the state of mind. I soon realised that yoga is a vast discipline and that learning should never stop. My eagerness to explore other traditions, led me to the Bihar School of Yoga, where I completed my masters in yoga psychology.
I started teaching yoga full time from the second half of 2005 in Bangalore. Then I moved on to Malaysia in 2006 and the experience of teaching there exposed me to modern styles of yoga such as Power Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga and Yin Yoga. In my classes, I was able to reconcile the more traditional Indian approach with inputs from the moderns styles. Eventually, I started training yoga teachers there in 2009.
Even though I was already an experienced teacher and trainer, a part of me was always eager to continue my studies of yoga from different perspectives. In my personal journey to fulfill my quest to know more I undertook many other courses like –
Advanced Teachers Training in pranayama from Kaivalyadham, 2 months Residential program in Osho International Meditation Center at Pune, Vipassana Meditation course, Laughter Yoga Teachers Training Course, Thai Body Works, Yin Yoga Teachers Training Course, Train the Trainer Program, YLTP course by Art of Living and Yoga Anatomy Course by Leslie Kaminoff (Ongoing).
The journey of Aayana Yoga Academy started in 2013 when I felt the need to set up my own place to teach and train future teachers. My teaching style emphasises on a safe and meaningful practice, is practical and relevant for today’s lifestyle and leads students towards health of the body and peace of mind. I conduct teacher training courses, workshops, advance classes and I guide yoga teachers. I am always available to anyone who is in need of help and direction.
As a teacher, I believe in showing the many beautiful facets of yoga, not just the asana practice. I counsel and encourage each student to appreciate their strengths and their weaknesses, to try to see their true Self, not just the illusion, to lead a happy, healthier and peaceful life. Nothing compares to the deep rooted sense of satisfaction that this gives me. It gives me a purposeful direction, a path to my life….the very essence of the word ‘Aayana’ in Sanskrit.